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NYC Skyline BW


Covid-19 Contact Tracer : JAVA

Created an abstract version of an app that detects if a mobile user has been near someone who has tested positive for the coronavirus. It also reports if there have been any large gatherings on a given date.


Click View to read the full description and code.

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SafeDeposit Application

Developed a safe deposit application completely using serverless components such as AWS Lambda, AWS Lex, AutoML, Cloud functions, Pub-Sub, Firebase, AWS DynamoDB, GCP Cloud Run


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Restaurant Management System

Developed a java program for managing a restaurant. The functionalities include Register, Login, Order Food, Book Table, Coupon Discount, and Pay Online. Implemented SOLID principles, creational design patterns in the business modules developed

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Website for Venus Engineering

Created a website for Venus Engineering LLP using HTML, CSS and JS.





Click View to see the sample working website.


Single Relational Database

Developed a relational database management system using Java for CRUD operations and transactions with key constraints. Implemented single relational database with multiuser login functionality

Image by Taylor Vick

Tic-Tac-Toe Game using Angular

Designed and developed a Tic-Tac-Toe game using Angular. This was done to get familiarized with angular. Further plans to improve this as a progressive web application


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